The second addition to the dragonball series begins with dragonballz. The story begins, after Gokou and ChiChi getting married, and having a son (another son of Gokou is born durring the Boo Saga). The second series is all based on new enemies arriving, such as Vegeta, Freezer, Cell, and Boo, and the Z Fighters must increase their strength through the series to defeat them. Dragonball Z series is composed of 4 different saga's. The first saga is the Vegeta Saga. In this saga, Vegeta comes to earth to defeat the one who defeated Radditz. The second saga, which is the Freezer Saga, the Z Fighters must go to planet Namek, and reunite the dragonballs. On planet namek, they encounter Freezer and his army, which the Z Figheters must defeat, to complete their goal. The third saga is the Cell Saga. In this saga, it all begins with Trunks coming back from the future to warn the Z Fighters about the Future Androids who will attach in the near future from them. To the fact that Trunks came to warn the Z Fighters, Cell them comes back from the future as well, and gathers all of his energy needed to complete the perfect cell transformation. The fourth and final saga of this series, is the Boo Saga. In this saga, A being named boo is released by Babidi, which is one enemy which even the supreme kaiosama fears.