This series begins with Gokou meeting Bulma, and discovering what the Dragon Ball's can really do. This is how the adventure of Dragon Ball begins. In search for the 7 dragonballs, they come along various enemies such as pilaf, the Red Ribon Army, Picollo, and many others. Dragon Ball is composed of 156 different episodes, completing the first phase of the series. Dragonball, is composed of 4 main saga's. The first, the Pilaf Saga, is about a small man named Pilaf trying to get all the dragonballs, to try and conquer the world as his own. The Second Saga, the Red Ribbon Saga, is about this army, with its head general, trying to get all the dragonballs to obtain world domination. In the third saga, the dragonballs are put aside in this one. This is mainly about a fight, with people competing to try and obtain the grand money prize. The fourth and final saga of dragonball, is the Picollo Saga. In this one, an evil being named Picollo is released from his imprisonment by pilaf, and obtains the dragonballs, granting him youth again.